Thursday, 27 March 2014

Google (GOOG) ... probably the most owned holding

Thursday 27th March 2014

I'm told that, Google (GOOG, mkt cap $373bn), is the most owned hedge fund holding in the US. From memory, Apple (AAPL, mkt cap $479bn), achieved the same prominence when at $700/shr. As I also recall, it didn't go higher from there.   

Google share price (from Sep 2010) as compared to Apple (since Mar 2009)
Source: Bloomberg
No position.

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Monday, 17 March 2014

Soft commods (C K4 Comdty) ... the horn for Corn

Monday 17th March 2014

As the below charts highlight, upon crossing their respective 200d moving averages, almost every soft commodity has gone on to experience a decent rally ...

Coffee, May Future
Source: Bloomberg
Lean Hogs, June Future
Source: Bloomberg
Oats, May Future
Source: Bloomberg
Cocoa, May Future
Source: Bloomberg
Which brings me onto Corn and Wheat. As these have begun to tickle their respective 200d moving averages, I thort it worthwhile to buy a few of the Corn May Futures.  

Corn, May Future
Source: Bloomberg
Wheat, May Future
Source: Bloomberg
Oats vs. Corn, May Future
Source: Bloomberg
Long Corn.

Ps. I am told that the Ukraine is the 3rd largest exporter of Corn, and the 6th largest in Wheat!!!

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Friday, 7 March 2014

Globo (GBO) ... oo-er

Friday 7th March 2014

There are red flags. And then there are red flags. And then there's just plain odd events like this ...

Globo CEO's acknowledgement letter of resignation of auditor
Source: Globo Plc website
BDO (former auditor to Globo Plc) resignation letter
Source: Globo Plc website
If I were a shareholder, I would feel somewhat uneasy about this event. But I'm not a shareholder. In fact I'm in the process of borrowing further stock to short some more.

Disclaimer: The information, discussions or topics referred to on this blog should in no way be considered “advice” to buy or sell anything. The information which may be referred to is freely available in the public domain and where required the source of information is referenced to for verification. While every effort has been made to ensure the veracity of any information contained within this blog, the author accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of any information contained within this blog or for the sources of information which may be referred to. Readers are responsible for their own actions and interpretation of the information contained within this blog.