Tuesday 19th May 2015
In March last, I took small turn in Exxon Mobil calls and a decent return in Royal Dutch Shell calls ...
If it ain't broke.
On the RDSB trade I bought April £22 calls at 8.5 pence a lot and sold them a few days later at 22 pence. In the event, they continued to rally a fair bit higher. Having revisted RDSB, I can't help but reckon there's another chance of a similar trade.
As the charts highlight below:
- The market reaction to the BG announcement, appears a little harsh.
- In particular there's been a sizeable disconnect from BP, which historically has proven short lived.
- RDSB can seemingly turn on a dime and rally sharply, typically c. 10% over a 2 to 4 week period.
- On a consensus forward P/E basis, RDSB is the cheapest among a number of its peers; a 20% discount to the peer group average below.
- Despite trading on a 20% P/E discount to the average of its peers, RDSB yields the highest prospective dividend according to Bloomberg's consensus; at c. 6%.
- Its 200d moving average is at 2,258p/shr; 12% higher.
- There may be some technical support at current levels; c. 2,000p/shr.
On the basis of the above, I snaffled a few June £21.50 calls at 4.5p/lot. They seemed good value to me.
RDSB share price Source: Bloomberg |
RDSB as compared to BP/ - historically close correlation Source: Bloomberg |
RDSB - regularly rallies sharply, average of 10% typically over 2 to 4 week period as highlighted in green above Source: Bloomberg |
RDSB forward P/E ratio as compared to peers - a 20% discount to the peer group average above Source: Bloomberg |
RDSB prospect consensus dividend yield as compared to peers - the highest yield as compared to peers above Source: Bloomberg |
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