Monday, 9 February 2015

Ashtead (AHT) ... United Rentals (URI) downgrades appear ominous

9th February 2015

Pursuant to a series of downgrades over recent months to United Rentals (URI US, mkt cap $8.7 billion), I shorted a little Ashtead (AHT LN, mkt cap £5.5 billion). After all, one would imagine that those closer to home know the score.

United Rentals and Ashtead consensus 2016 sales forecast
Source: Bloomberg
United Rentals and Ashtead consensus 2016 EBITDA forecast
Source: Bloomberg
United Rentals and Ashtead consensus 2016 EPS forecast
Source: Bloomberg
United Rentals and Ashtead consensus forward P/E
Source: Bloomberg
United Rentals and Ashtead longer term share price performance,
currency adjusted to Sterling

Source: Bloomberg
United Rentals and Ashtead shorter term share price performance,
currency adjusted to Sterling

Source: Bloomberg
Ashtead six month share price performance
Source: Bloomberg
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  1. Love your blog

    Would love to chat - whats your email?

    (the one that you gave on your Mitie piece - doenst work)



    1. Thank you.
      The email should be working.
      It is
      Might be worth another go.


  2. Thanks

    Looks like it worked

    Talk soon

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