Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Smith & Nephew (SN/) ... coldwater morning

Wednesday 4th March 2015

I've bought a wodge of Smith & Nephew (SN/ LN) at 1140p/shr and an 1100 put. 

Yesterday's move by Stryker (SYK US), in announcing a $2 billion extension to its authorised buy back scheme, seems to me to be a mere attempt to pour cold water over S&N's potential purchase price. And so I reckon that suggests a bid could be imminent. North of 1350p/shr would be satisfactory.
Smith & Nephew share price
Source: Bloomberg
Stryker share price
Source: Bloomberg
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1 comment:

  1. Hi Matthew
    I was wanting to get in touch directly to discuss a stock, but can't seem to find a way of getting in touch. Could you let me have your email address or email me work(at) or DM me via twitter @chrisclothier.
    Appreciate it.
    Best wishes
